Please answer me the question 36 and 37....

37. (ii)
Firstly, you should understand that, the reaction in which the heat is given out during product form is called Exothermic reaction.
So Because of the process of adding water into acid or vice-versa, are both exothermic reaction because of this process, it releases a huge amount of energy (heat) because you are breaking a bond- in hydrochloric acid, you are breaking the bond between hydrogen and chlorine atoms and making new ions.
I can tell u the 37 th one
The ans wer would be (a) that is i and ii
It is because reaction of water with quicklime produces heat and same as reaction of acid with water is a highly exothermic reaction....
But evaporation itself gives cooling effect i.e. endothermic reaction
And sublimation of camphor is a sublimation process...