please answer my question

1 Soda acid fire extinguisher contains sodium bicarbonate and sulphuric acid. It comprises of a strong iron vessel with a side discharge nozzle. The iron vessel is loaded with sodium bicarbonate solution. Sulphuric acid is supported in a small glass bottle and is kept inside the iron vessel.
Soda acid type extinguisher acts by cutting off supply of air. It acts on all types of fire except due to electrical and inflammable liquids. The carbon dioxide is liberated by the action of acid on baking soda. It increases the percentage of carbon dioxide in air (carbon dioxide is non supporter of combustion).
2. The chemical name of plaster of Paris is calcium sulphate hemihydrate because half-molecule of water is attached with calcium sulphate. The chemical formula of plaster of Paris is CaSO
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Questions :-
1. What does a soda-acid type fire extinguisher contain? How does it work? Explain the working of a soda-acid fire extinguisher with the help of a labelled diagram.
2. What is Plaster of Paris? Write the chemical formula of Plaster of Paris.
Answers :-
1. A soda-acid type fire extinguisher contains a solution of sodium hydrogen-carbonate and sulphuric acid in separate containers in separate containers inside them. When the knob of the fire extinguisher is pressed, then sulphuric acid mixes with sodium hydrogen-carbonate solution to produce carbon dioxide gas which forms a blanket around the burning substance and cuts off the supply of air to burning substance; this stops the process of burning and fire gets extinguished.
2. The name plaster of Paris came from the fact that it was first of all made by heating gypsum which was mainly found in Paris. The compound plaster of Paris is prepared by heating gypsum at 120oC.
The chemical formula for the plaster of Paris is (CaSO4) H2O and is better known as calcium sulfate hemihydrate.