please answer my question

Answer:It was the day of my 18th birthday.Friends and relatives were invited.There was much entertainment.After the birthday party has ended I was very exiced to open the presents.Al the presents were fantastic but I was much fascinated at the present given by uncle.It was a table-clock set with a phone receiver.I had't seen such thing before.The clock is round in shape.The numbers and needles are bright by radium.There is a beautiful scene of landscape.In the mid,there is a socket (part) of the day and the date.All round the clock,the metal of the frame is steel.A thin circle has run which is golden in colour.On the top of the clock,there is a receiver of the phone.It is easy to set to electricity or by battery too.the model is exceptional and of high quality.It has very distinct and quality sound.The table-clock,which is still an object of attraction,is set on the table in my study room.