Physics, asked by mohanpanthi2356, 8 months ago

please answer my questions​



Answered by gillsamreet28


1 Convex mirror reflect light outwards (diverging light ray) and therefore they are not used to focus light. The image us virtual,erect and smaller in size than the object ,but gets larger(maximum upto the size of the object) as the object comes towards the mirror.

2 (1)Concve mirror-A ray of light parrallel to thd principal focus of the mirror on reflection.(2)A ray light passing through the focus of the mirror is always reflected parallel to the principal axis on reflection.

3 (1)Concave mirrors are used for cars because they give an upright image and provide a wider field of view as they are curved outwards.(2)They are also used in hallwat of various schools,buildings,stires,appartments etc.

4 Linear(somethinf called lateral or transever magnificiation refers to the ratio of image lenght to object lenght measured in planes that are prependicular to the optical acis. A negative value of linear magnification denoted an inverted image

5 There are 3 definations of pole

(1) A long ,slender,rounded piecs of wood or metal,typically used with one end placed in the ground to support for something

(2) Pole is the two points which are variable on the surfacs of the earth which is pointef by tge magnetic needle.

(3) Itś the point at the middle of the spherical mirror

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