English, asked by arnadeep18, 5 months ago

please answer my questions​



Answered by nitukumari42615




jo prular hai wahi ho ga sar me 2=she

Answered by xInvincible


1)He Said That He Will Be Great

2)She Has Said That She Is Well

3)I Told Her That Mercury Is A liquid

4)She Told That She Had Lost her bag

5)He Told Me That I Was A Fool

6)She Told That He Was A Fool

7)He Inquired Me If Knew The English

8)He Requested That He Wanted A Glass of Water

9)The Police Asked If He Had Stolen The Car

10)She Desired To Go To The Station

11)Aunty Ordered To Clean The Blackboard

12)She Told To Come At Her Tomorrow

13)He Asked if he Had Written To Her Before

14)Mother Blessed Me To Be A Minister

15)He Asked What Experiance Had She Had

16)Leader Orderd To Do Or Die

17)He Exclaimed At How she Dances

18)The Monk Told That All Men Will Die

19)She Exclaimed With Delight For the Pleasent Surprise

20)He Preached That All Is Well That Ends Well

21)She Informed That Farther Had Died In Hospital

22)He Informed Me That He Wass ill On The Previous Day

23)He Asked Me If had Attended The School

24)She Told That She Took That In Her Hand

25)He Told That He Had Been Doing His Task

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