please answer my questions 3,4,7 any expert because today my copy will be check
Question 3 :
Explain the procedure of passing a money bill.
A money bill is deemed to pass both houses without any recommended amendments the Lok Sabha choses to accept,and without any that it chooses to decline.
Question 5 :
Why is the Lok Sabha more important of the two houses?
Lok Sabha has certain powers that make it powerful than other 2 houses.Motions of no confidence against the goverment can be introduced and passed in the Lok Sabha.
Question 7:
Explain the law making procedures.
These are the steps in law making process.A bill may begin in either a house or Senate expect the money bills,which must be introduced in the house.
Step 1 : Bill is drafted
Step 2 : Introduced in house
Step 3 : Sent to commitee
Step 4 : Commitee Action
Step 5 : Rules Commitee
Step 6 : Floor Action
Step 7 : Introduced in senate
Step 8 : Commitee Action
Step 9 : Bill called up.
Step 10 : Floor Action
Step 11 : Conference commitee
Step 12 : Vote on compromise
Step 13: Presidential action.
Step 14 : Vote to over ride.
Hope this helps..