please answer my questions
I beg you

2)Audible Sounds are the sounds of frequency which are audible to the human ear. The frequency of audible sounds is usually between 20Hzto20kHz. Inaudible sounds are the sounds of frequency which are not audible to the human ear. The frequency of inaudible sounds is below20Hzand greater than20kHz.
1)For females, secondary sex characteristics include relative lack of body hair, thicker hair on the head (in some cases), rounded hips/figure, a decreased ability to generate muscle mass at a fast rate, decreased upper body strength, breasts, ability to nurse children, a menstrual cycle, and increased body fat ...
don't beg till I am alive
Please post a new question I will share my photo there
but please share me your photos too
don't worry I am with you
I will just see you and then delete it for everyone