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You'll likely want to upload a profile photo so users and contacts can visually identify you. You may also want to adjust your time zone and date format preferences to ensure Copper displays information in a way that's most helpful. You can make these adjustments in the 'My Preferences' page:
To access this page, sign into your Copper account, and click 'Settings' from the left-hand menu.
Click 'My Preferences' under 'Preferences.'
Click the blue 'Choose a File' option to upload a profile photo.
Choose the time zone you'd like information displayed to you in via the Time Zone drop-down menu.
Choose the 'Date Format' you'd like dates displayed in - DD/MM/YY or MM/DD/YY - from the drop-down menu.
Choose your email settings (if using the Gmail Sync)
Copper lets your team sync email conversations you've had with clients into Copper. You can make
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