Geography, asked by problems1359, 4 months ago

please answer questions of F,G and H​



Answered by rameshling3430


the following answers is for H main

1.pluto is the ninth planet and it was discovered in 1930 astronomical union

3.small solar system bodies

Answered by Anonymous

Answers of the given questions are as follows -

F :

  1. Jupiter is the largest planet of the solar system.
  2. Mercury is the smallest planet of the solar system.
  3. The path taken by planets to go round the sun is known as the orbit.
  4. Mars is the planet which has reddish apperance.

G :

  1. Planets in order of increasing size are - Mercury,Mars,Venus,Earth,Neptune,Uranus, Saturn,Jupiter.
  2. Planets in order of distance from sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. [Nearest to farthest.]
  3. Planets do not twinkle like stars because, planets are closer to earth as compared to the stars. This causes point like apperance for the stars and small disc like apperance for the planets. Now, Earth's atmospheric refraction is able to produce twinkling effect for those point like stars, not for the disc like planets.
  4. The two third part of the Earth's surface is covered with ocean water. This huge amount of ocean water on the surface causes blueish appearance of earth, when observed from outer space. That's why, earth is called Blue planet.

H :

  1. Significance of sun : Sun is the central body of the solar system. Sun's gravity is the reason behind the stability of the other planets in their respective orbits. Sun is the source of light and heat energy for the other planets, which are extremely important resources for other planets. Seasonal changes of the planets are also dependent on the sun.
  2. Earth is a unique planet in our solar system because in this planet existence of life is observed. The necessary things for sustaining the life like - optimum distance from sun, radiation filtering ozone layer, proper atmosphere, availability of other necessary resources for survival, are also available in decent amount in our planet. No other, planet in our solar system has the previous mentioned qualities, and that's why earth is considered as a unique planet.
  3. The characteristics of earth are - 1) Earth is almost spherical. 2) Earth has plate tectonics. 3) Earth has well developed atmosphere. And many more.
  4. 1) New moon : Moon is completely invisible. 2) Waxing crescent : From the Northern hemisphere a thin crescent portion of moon is observed on the right side of the moon. 3) First quarter : Half of the moon is illuminated. 4) Waxing gibbous : A phase between Half moon and Full moon. (getting bigger) 5) Full moon : The complete moon is illuminated. 6) Waning gibbous : A phase between Half moon and Full moon. (getting smaller). 7) Third quarter : The other (as of the first quarter phase) half portion of the moon is illuminated. 8) Waning crescent : From the Northern hemisphere a thin crescent portion of moon is observed on the left side of the moon.
  5. We always see the same face of the moon, because the moon rotates around the earth and revolves on it's own axis, at the same rate.
  6. Moon doesn't have proper atmosphere like the earth. The moon's gravity is very weak. The availability of the life sustaining resources in proper amount is also absent in the moon. For all the previously mentioned reasons, moon cannot support life.
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