please answer quick

A Ans=Areas which receive less than 50 cm of rainfall are called as Areas of Scanty Rainfall. Areas of low rainfall include - Upper Ganga valley, eastern Rajasthan, Punjab, Southern Plateau of Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu World (South America)Arica , Chile ,africa Wadi Halfa, Sudan Antarctica Amundsen-Scott South Pole StationNorth America Batagues, Mexico
B Ans=here are three major types of forests, classed according to latitude: Tropical. Temperate. Boreal forests (taiga) Russia
C ans=French Guiana, Guyana and Suriname
D ans= Mediterranean forests are generally composed of broadleaf trees, such as the oak and mixed sclerophyll forests of California and the Mediterranean region, the Eucalyptus forests of Southwest Australia, and the Nothofagus forests of central Chile.