Computer Science, asked by Jawad20008, 7 months ago

Please Answer the question.
Qno1: Write all about CD-ROM Drive:Its history,its working,its defination all about? and please write about CD-ROM drive not about CD-ROM


Answered by tecnicgaming1133


  • A CD-ROM (/ˌsiːdiːˈrɒm/, compact disc read-only memory) is a pre-pressed optical compact disc that contains data. Computers can read—but not write to or erase—CD-ROMs, i.e. it is a type of read-only memory.


  • During the 1990s, CD-ROMs were popularly used to distribute software and data for computers and fifth generation video game consoles. Some CDs, called enhanced CDs, hold both computer data and audio with the latter capable of being played on a CD player, while data (such as software or digital video) is only usable on a computer (such as ISO 9660[1] format PC CD-ROMs).

Answered by hareem23

Short for Compact Disc Read-Only Memory, a CD-ROM is an optical disc that contains audio or software data whose memory is read-only. A CD-ROM Drive or optical drive is the device used to read them. CD-ROM drives have speeds ranging from 1x to 72x, meaning it reads the CD roughly 72 times faster than the 1x version.


A CD-ROM drive uses a low-power laser beam to read digitized (binary) data that has been encoded in the form of tiny pits on an optical disk. The drive then feeds the data to a computer for processing. The standard compact disc was introduced in 1982 for digital audio reproduction.

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