please answer the questions
Answer 1
There are several ways to produce hydrogen: Natural Gas Reforming/Gasification: Synthesis gas—a mixture of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and a small amount of carbon dioxide—is created by reacting natural gas with high-temperature steam. The carbon monoxide is reacted with water to produce additional hydrogen.
Answer 2
Hydrogen is collected by downward displacement of water and not of air, even though it is lighter than air.
Answer 3
Conc. sulphuric acid is used as a drying agent for purifying hydrogen chloride gas. Concentrated sulphuric acid being hygroscopic in nature absorbs moisture from the air and gets diluted and acts as a drying agent.
Answer 4
The granulated Zn is preferred to metallic Zn in the preparation of hydrogen because granulated zinc has more surface area exposed to the acid, so the reaction can occur more rapidly.