Physics, asked by kasivis1757, 6 months ago

Please answer these fast



Answered by Anonymous


1) one to another

2) Temperature


4)conduction convention Radiation

5)In conduction, heat transfer takes place between objects by direct contact. In convection, the heat transfer takes within the fluid. In radiation, heat transfer occurs through electromagnetic waves without involving particles. The heat transfer takes place due to the difference in temperature.

6)The conductor and insulator are the types of material. One of the major difference between the conductor and insulator is that the conductor allows the energy (i.e., current or heat ) to pass through it, whereas the insulator does not allow the energy to pass through it.

7) Differences: The clinical thermometer is used to measure body temperature, however, laboratory thermometer is not used for the purpose of measuring body temperature. ... The clinical thermometer is can be tilted while reading the temperature values whereas laboratory thermometer need to be kept upright.

8)Answer: We prefer to wear light coloured clothes in summer as light colours reflect light and heat and as a result of which light coloured clothes absorb less heat and become less hot giving us relief in summers.

9)Two thin sweaters are warmer than a thick sweater because there is a layer of air between them that doesn't allow our body heat to escape but it also it doesn't absorbs heat from the atmosphere and sweaters are made up of wool which is a insulator that itself doesn't allow our body heat to escape.

10)Stainless steel is generally provided with a copper bottom because copper is a very good conductor of heat and electricity. Thus, it helps in directing the heat evenly throughout the utensil, and heats the steel pans faster.

11)the the land gets heated up more rapidly then the water surface. then the hot air above the land surface becomes less denser and rises up causing a drop in the air pressure to make up this drop the cold air from the side of the sea blows towards the land.

12) In a laboratory thermometer, kink is absent. This is because laboratory thermometer is meant to measures immediate temperature. Hence, after recording our body temperature, until we check it, the mercury will fall, thus not giving us an accurate reading.

13)On a hot summer afternoon the tent made up of white fabric will be preferred as white colour is a bad absorber and good reflector of heat. No, the black fabric tent will be preferred during winter.

14)There when we put our hands above the candle, the hot air comes in contact and we feel hot but on the other hand if we put our palms of the side of candle , the hot air rises up and Therefore we don't feel hot.

15)Metal is a good conductor of heat. If the handles of the saucepans were made of metal, they would become too hot to hold and that would be dangerous.

16)a.Conduction is the transfer of thermal energy through direct contact. b.Convection is the transfer of thermal energy through the movement of a liquid or gas.c. Radiation is the transfer of thermal energy through thermal emission.

17)a) CONDUCTION -spoon in a cup of hot soup becomes warmer because the heat from the soup is conducted along the spoon.

b) RADIATION-From the sun the heat comes to us by another process known as radiation. The transfer of heat by radiation does not require any medium. It can take place whether a medium is present or not.

c) RADIATION-the heat from the flame of the induction or gas stove transfers to the vessel by radiation. then the water in the vessel gets hot or boil due to convection. then the handle of the vessel gets hot to conduction of heat from the vessel

18) The precautions that we should while reading both Laboratory and clinical thermometer are:-

1.Never hold the thermometer by the bulb while reading it.

2.Wash the thermometer with water or antiseptic solution before and after use.

3.While performing the experiment, don't touch the bulb of the thermometer with the wall of the beaker.

4.Read the thermometer keeping the level of mercury along the line of sight

19)CONVENTION -In fluids, heat is often transferred by convection, in which the motion of the fluid itself carries heat from one place to another. Another way to transfer heat is by conduction, which does not involve any motion of a substance, but rather is a transfer of energy within a substance (or between substances in contact)

20) Copper - it is a metal which Are conductors as they allow heat to pass through them

21)Wool-It is a insulators as it doesn't allow the heat to pass through it..Wool is a poor conductor of heat and the air pockets in the fabrics prevent the passage or movement of air from the surroundings into our body. This less movement of air through the woolen fabric helps us to keep warm.






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