Geography, asked by oliviachaillaux, 2 months ago

Please answer these! I need help Asap! I will try and give brainlist if you deserve it!
1. Describe the geography of the Northern European Plain and its appeal to early farmers.
2. Explain how water plays an important role in the lives of Northwestern Europeans.
3. What are some factors affecting climate in Northwestern Europe? Why are they significant?
4. How did the Industrial Revolution change the human geography of Northwestern Europe?
5. Describe the impact of the aging population on population patterns in Northwestern Europe.
6. What are the main service industries that fuel Northwestern Europe’s economy?
7. Describe the problem of overfishing in Northwestern Europe and provide some viable solutions to reduce its impact.
8. What is the main reason for poor air quality and air pollution in parts of Northwestern Europe?
9. Explain cap-and-trade and the Kyoto Protocol. How are they related?
10. Describe the location and extent of the Alps in relation to the Northern European Plain.
11. List the bodies of water that border Great Britain.
12. Describe the location of Ireland and Great Britain in relation to continental Europe.


Answered by soumyapandey13


The Northern European Plain is a large complex of lowlands that stretches from Germany to Russia (the European part). Its main characteristics are that it is a very large area consisted mostly of lowlands, and the occasional small hill, and that it has fertile soil. It is an area that naturally is covered with grasses, and it has humid continental climate, thus making it possible that the area has a nice, deep, fertile layer of biomass, making it very suitable for farming. This is actually an area that is heavily used for agriculture, predominantly being planted with grains.

This warm water flows along the coast of Northwestern Europe and carries warm, maritime air that bathes the coasts and also blows far inland across the Northern European Plain.

Several factors affect climate in Northwestern Europe. These factors include the presence of the Alps and the location of the subregion near or along large bodies of water. The winter storms that originate over the North Atlantic Ocean also affect Northwestern Europe's climate

Several factors affect climate in Northwestern Europe. These factors include the presence of the Alps and the location of the subregion near or along large bodies of water. The winter storms that originate over the North Atlantic Ocean also affect Northwestern Europe's climate

Population and Migration. ... It decreases the population. What is the main reason for poor air quality and air pollution in parts of Northwestern Europe?

Aging is starting to have a significant effect on the demographics of Northwestern Europe. Low birthrates and higher life expectancies have led to an older population. Consequently, the number of working-age people is shrinking while the number of retired people is expanding

What economic activities form the core of Northwestern Europe's economy? International banking and insurance are some of the top ranked, but tourism is another large service industry

Although this issue is not unique to the region-experts estimate that $83 billion is lost worldwide annually to overfishing and could be recovered through stock restoration-it persisted for years in large part because of the European Union's reluctance to set fishing limits in line with scientific advice.

In recent years, European ministers have brought fishing limits closer to the scientific advice on average, but they must still do more: Under the EU's Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), Member States were legally bound to end overfishing by 2020 to maintain sustainable fisheries.

Air pollution harms human health and the environment. In Europe, emissions of many air pollutants have decreased substantially over the past decades, resulting in improved air quality across the region. However, air pollutant concentrations are still too high, and air quality problems persist. A significant proportion of Europe’s population live in areas, especially cities, where exceedances of air quality standards occur: ozone, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter (PM) pollution pose serious health risks. Several countries have exceeded one or more of their 2010 emission limits for four important air pollutants. Reducing air pollution therefore remains important.

The Kyoto Protocol was adopted on 11 December 1997. Owing to a complex ratification process, it entered into force on 16 February 2005. Currently, there are 192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.

In short, the Kyoto Protocol operationalizes the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by committing industrialized countries and economies in transition to limit and reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in accordance with agreed individual targets. The Convention itself only asks those countries to adopt policies and measures on mitigation and to report periodically.

I can find only 9 answers sorry

Answered by UsmanSant

The answers to the given questions related to the geography of Northern Europe are:

1. The Northern European Plains are a landmass spanning from Russia in the east to France in the west. They consist of vast rolling hills, streams, and rivers, as well as fertile soil. These features appealed to early farmers as they had all the necessary requirements to farm and grow their crops

2. Water was and is of immense importance to the people living in Northwestern Europe. The North Sea is a major contributor to the water systems of the region, along with many rivers and streams. The small streams and lakes provide the people with a livelihood, and sustenance, and act as an energy source too

3. The factors that are currently affecting the climate of Northwestern Europe are the wind currents, its latitude, and the ocean currents. The westerly winds contribute to the warm and wet climate while the North Atlantic Drift offers high levels of precipitation. The latitude of the region causes long nights

4. The industrial revolution catalyzed urbanization and the development of manufacturing industries. It ushered in a change in the resources that farmers grew and paved the way for the development of cities

5. The aging population has had an impact on social health services, the availability of physical laborours, as well as a shift in insurance practices. There has been a steadily declining birth rate and an increase in life expectancy as well as the dependency ratio

6. The services include finance, insurance, tourism, hospitality, and business

7. Overfishing has led to a decline in the population of numerous fish species and has changed the ecology of marine systems irreversibly. To prevent further harm, it is necessary to practice sustainable harvesting, shift towards farm fish, and aim for nature-friendly fuel options

8. The burning of fossil fuels as well as numerous oil spill accidents, fires, and industrial accidents have caused the air quality to dip to very poor levels

9. The Kyoto Protocol was an international treaty signed in 1997 that committed the signatories to reduce their greenhouse emissions to below the levels seen in the year 1990. The cap-and-trade method was implemented in Europe wherein the government set a cap on the total emission allowed and gave companies their individual permissible levels of emission

10. The Alps form the southern part of Northern Europe, separating it from the Mediterranean Europe region. Its steep landscape makes transport between the two regions difficult

11. Great Britain is bordered by the North Sea in the east, the English Channel in the south, and the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in the west

12. Great Britain and Ireland are located west of the continental Europe region. They are islands, and Ireland is located to the west of Great Britain, which is separated from the continent by the English Channel


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