Science, asked by daljit9815784369, 1 year ago

please answer these questions​



Answered by Suhana29007


More recently, initially with case reports and some data have now been coming out of China, there are a lot of patients who can have either concomitant GI symptoms, meaning they have respiratory symptoms and GI symptoms on top of that, but also, there are a fraction of people ― about a third, according to some studies ― who are presenting just with GI symptoms at presentation and may not even have respiratory symptoms at that time and will just have GI symptoms. The GI symptoms that we are seeing predominantly are diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Some studies are now showing that there are possibilities where COVID-19 can be present in the stool and may be absent in the respiratory tract. So this disease could be present in the stool first and then later on present in th


Answered by avanisharma1979


Hope so it is helpful.. Pls follow me.. Like.. Mark me as brainliest.. Thankyou..


1.New research out of Wuhan, China, suggests you should. In a study published online by the American Journal of Gastroenterology in March 2020, researchers found that more than half of patients who tested positive for COVID-19 at Wuhan hospitals actually showed up worried about digestive issues, and not the symptoms we have learned are the tell-tale signs of the global pandemic.

These new findings could have major implications for the medical community if it means a great expansion in the number of patients tested for COVID-19.

2.It start infecting in November - December 2019 in Wuhan, China.. First..

3.Firstly, COVID-19 and influenza viruses have a similar disease presentation. That is, they both cause respiratory disease, which presents as a wide range of illness from asymptomatic or mild through to severe disease and death.

Secondly, both viruses are transmitted by contact, droplets and fomites. As a result, the same public health measures, such as hand hygiene and good respiratory etiquette (coughing into your elbow or into a tissue and immediately disposing of the tissue), are important actions all can take to prevent infection.

4.Handwashing with soap removes germs from hands. This helps prevent infections because: People frequently touch their eyes, nose, and mouth without even realizing it. Germs can get into the body through the eyes, nose and mouth and make us sick.

*Pls right some points from here... For ur project it will help u..

5.Preparing for coronavirus (COVID-19) means having what you need to stay home. Officials are asking people to only go out when absolutely needed so they don't get sick.

Try to keep your household supplied so you don't run out of essentials. If you need essential items:

Try to go to stores during off hours when they might not be as crowded.

Wash your hands before and after going out.

Follow the CDC's guide on wearing a cloth face covering (or a face mask, if you have one).

Use online shopping with delivery or pick-up where available to limit the time you are in stores. Experts say to wipe down delivery boxes or open them outside if possible, and then wash your hands.

What Should I Get to Be Ready for Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

Food and water. Choose food that doesn't need to be in the refrigerator and can stay good on the shelf for a long time. Buy canned foods and juices, rice, dried beans, granola bars, peanut butter, and dry cereal. Remember baby foods if needed. If you have pets, stock up on what they need too.

Foods your family likes when sick. These include things like soup, crackers, and fluids to stay hydrated.

Household supplies. Don't forget toilet paper, shampoo, toothpaste, hand soap, and dish soap.

Medicines. Make sure prescriptions are filled and on hand. Get over-the-counter (nonprescription) fever reducers. Your doctor will advise you on how to use them.

A thermometer. Depending on your child's age, you might need a digital thermometer, temporal artery thermometer, or electronic ear (tympanic) thermometer.

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