please answer these questions

The atmosphere prevents the sudden increase in temperature during the daylight hours.& during night,it slows down to escape of heat into outer space.The atmosphere keeps the average temperature of the earth fairly steady during the day & even during the course of the whole year.
2.) The bad quality of air which is harmful for us ,when amount of pollutant increses in air, called air pollution. it is caused due to burning of fossil fuels , which produce harmful gases & pollutants.
3)Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies(rivers,lakes,oceans etc.)Water pollution causes when sewage , industrial waste , garbage etc. are discharges into water bodies.
4) The presence of toxic chemicals in soil,in high enough concentration to pose a risk to human health or ecosystem called soil pollution.
Industrial wastes such as gases,chemicals,agricultural pesticides & fertilizers are the most common causes of soil pollution