please answer this.........

30 April, 2020
Health Checkup Camp !!!
This if you informed that residents welfare association is organising a health checkup camp. It will be held on 3rd of May in the common playground. If anyone is interested, they need to fill a form that is available in our office.
Head - RWA
Date:- 30 April 2020
From:- [email protected]
To:- [email protected]
Subject:- A request to send team of doctors to conduct a health checkup.
Respected Sir - The director of the hospital, I request you to send a team of doctors to conduct a health checkup in the Ajay society- - house no. 5. One old man is not well in our house. He is suffering from asthma. I hope you will send a team of doctors soon and help us saving his life.
Notice Writing :
Health Check-up Camp +
This is to inform the general public that the Residents Welfare Association is organizing A Health Check-up Camp on 15 the May, 2020 at the club premises.
Anyone Wishing to get their Health checked should submit a form.
Email :
21 th May 2020
To : ABC@ Gmail .com
From : CDE @
Sub : Requesting Hospital Staff for Health Check-up.
Dear Sir,
In our locality many people are I'll due to cough and cold . Many suspect that they have been infected by Covid 19.
Hence I am requesting You to send some of the hospital staff to test at the earliest.