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Corona virus has effected lives of all the people over World. They all are facing, surviving and handling this pandemic with their best. I would like to share my life journey during this Pandemic.
Everything before this Pandemic was scheduled and well planned. There is not a thing to think about next day, it was already planned like college, exams, results , back to home, visists to grand parents home, vacations and all. A smooth wakeup, then college, coaching, study hangouts all these things were going as seemingly to be automatic.
This is the first time when I am tired of using technology and truly missing lives of old times- the nature, the surroundings , those healthy and good relationship in societies.
Though this pandemic ruined all my plans but I have started following new schedule and formed a full efficacious day. I started doing Yoga, Excercise, Waking up early in the morning, cooking, cleaning home and doing other home works. These small things makes me happy and make time pass.
Institutions have started online classes. I am learning new programming languages on online platforms also. Now, this lockdown is enjoyful for me.
Above all these, after this Pandemic ends I would like to take a deep breath of relief and great thanks to God for making me safe during this period
I need to give exams first. After that I would like to meet all my cousins, grand parents and friends . I would like to know about others life in this period and want to see the streets as before. Also I am looking forward that this pandemic will give a effective lessons to world that how can we manage with limited things, can have a pollution free country and a clean healthy environment.
Thank you!
Memoir on : Corona Virus Pandemic (COVID - 19)
Experience of Lockdown due to Corona Virus Pandemic
It was my second last board exams when the corona virus started to spread in China. Well, I wasn't even thinking about it that time. The last exam was really different from the others. Not because the paper was hard or whatever people might think. But because our seating arrangements were really awkward (just because of corona).
People of my age obviously have never experienced a lockdown. Just after 2 days after the exams got over, I became excited to experience the lockdown. And while I was getting more and more excited, my mother was trying to scare me. And even scolding me to not touch my face.
Well, slowly and slowly, the virus entered India. Our prime minister did a really appreciable work on just the correct time that seriously helped India in decreasing the number of patients.
In the first few days of lockdown, I felt as if I am lucky to get that many days as holidays to enjoy at home. But slowly and slowly, it became boring, extremely boring.
Seriously, I thought it to be more boring because of my mother started dreaming to teach me every work she wanted to teach me just to use these many days in a perfect way.
The days seems to be very very long and the nights too short.
Well, the everyday news were decreasing the probabilities of the lockdown getting over. And this is what happened, the lockdown period got increased.
But today, 24 April 2020, I can say that I am really proud to an Indian. This is because today I saw a really awesome news that the chain of corona chain has started to break and the there has been a decrease in the patients of corona. I hope after a month we would be able to get back to our regular schedules.
I'm really getting bored with the long lockdown. Well, I am lucky enough that our online classes are not being held, or else I would have gone mad remembering the good school days. I hope I don't have to attend such online classes. I am hoping for the results to come soon for 10th (but it is obviously going to take time).
With this Good news, I even saw a bad news for me. It is about the speed of the increase in the patients in my locality. The news channels says, that of the chain doesn't break, till May 31, we will have 8 lakh patients alone in my city. This is too scary for people living in my locality including me.
Well now we can just hope that we get no more lockdowns and India to be Corona free.
- How was my life before the Pandemic ?
Before Pandemic, I was free to go out and enjoy. We were free to get to any place any time and move around in open air. But still during this period of time, the pollution was increasing, making the environment polluted and really bad.
- What effects did the Pandemic brought in to my life ?
Negative: The Pandemic has effected our lives in many ways negatively. For the whole world, the economy got unstable and eventually is decreasing. The unemployment around the world is increasing. We are closed inside a place called - home. And if we step outside and not follow preventive measures we are sure to be in the capture of the corona virus. Well, the lockdown is too boring. We can't go to play outside. Event the trip I organised after decades had to be cancelled because of the lockdown and the corona virus.
Positive: The Mother Earth got a chance to make the environment clear and less polluted. You may have also observed the changes in the environment from the first day of lockdown. Now only few people are going out, hence, the pollution has decreased. The oceans and rivers are clearing, the skies are clearing and the land is clearing (I mean getting less polluted). Personally, the lockdown has increased the chances to the people who had been to busy to not able to give time to their family, to enjoy with them at home. For example my father. It has given us a chance to learn new things and use the time in a proper way.
- What are you looking forward to after the Pandemic ends ?
After the Pandemic ends, I am surely going to look forward for the opening of schools, because I am dying to meet my friends and enjoy. The next thing I would look forward to will be just studies.
The pace at which my 11th will end, is too much to scare me. I have to study concentrating really hard because if the online classes starts for us, I am surely not going to understand what our teachers are going to teach online.
- What I learned ?
I learned that we need to be always be ready for such situations because anything could happen anytime.
We should always be caring for health because health is wealth. Health is most important. So, we should be careful while doing anything so that it doesn't affect our health at any cost.
— @ItzSēnõrıta