English, asked by goyalseema1984, 7 months ago

Please answer this. ​



Answered by N173313






The Sub Inspector

B7 Police Station

Chennai 600107


Mohan Kumar

45, Preetham Colony

Chennai 600107

Sub: Loud noise from the restaurant in our colony


I wish to bring to your notice about the disturbance caused to the people in our colony by the loud noise from the Food for You restaurant in our colony. The restaurant plays music and songs very loudly after 7 pm daily till late night. They also use speakers that add to the volume loudness.

There are many senior citizens in our colony, some of them who have health problems as well. These citizens also go to bed early. The loud music prevents them from a good sleep. Young children are also not able to focus on their studies. All our talks with the staff have yielded no results.

I request you to visit the hotel and have a talk with the management in this regard.

Thanking you in advance

Mohan Kumar

Read more on Brainly.in - https://brainly.in/question/1844449#readmore


Answered by Kirstenbruke3376

126 Durga Vihar Colony

Delhi Road , Saharanpur

5th May , 2020

The Police C


Local District Office; East Zone

Saharanpur -567890

Subject - Letter regarding indiscriminate use of loudspeakers

Dear Sir,

I would like to draw your kind attention towards the indiscriminate use of loudspeakers.

The ' Shagun Banquet Hall ' which is just a stone's throw from my colony is not at all bothered to turn off the loudspeakers after the stipulated time. In most of the cases , the use of loudspeakers continues till late in the night. This creates a lot of nuisance and disturbance for many people especially students and senior citizens.

I would want the authority to look into the matter and put stricter rules in place. Please ensure that the use of loudspeakers is not continued after the stipulated time is over. Your efforts in this regard would be highly appreciated by one and all.

Yours truly


Peeyush Sharma

(Resident of Durga Vihar Colony)


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