please answer this fast

Answered by
XYZ, SCHOOL, Pune, Maharashtra
May 1 , 2019
- I am head girl of our school. Behalf of head girl i want to inform you all that on Sunday morning from 6 O'clock to 8 O'clock our school is organising swachhata campaign only for 3 hours. I want to invite all our school students to being a part of this campaign. We all know that now a days cleanliness matters a lot for making our country green and clean. Before making our country green and clean first we should have to start cleaning our surroundings first then only our India becomes green and clean. So, let us all starts from our school. Without cleanliness we may suffer from many harmful diseases , so for not be a part of such harmful diseases we should have to start cleanliness from now onwards. I hope all students of our school will come on Sunday in school and contributes us a lot in making our school swachh , neat , clean and green.
Thanking you..!
( Head girl of School )

great effort.
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