please answer this question

A civil war is when two community's or groups fight among themselves in a single country Since sir Lanka has a majority of Sinhalese of 74%they had introduced acts which made them superior over the sri Lankan Tamils and the Indians Tamils which created an alienation of the Sri Lankan this lead to many protests for the recognition for which the Sinhalese had refused this led to a civil war where thousands of both communities that and the war had caused a terrible setback in their education economic life and development in the country.
i think you understand this
Civil war – A War like situation within the country it arises between two conflicting group
- Srilanka got independence in 1948 .After independence Srilanka adopted a series of majoritarian government promote shinalas and disregarding Tamils
- Peoples of Tamils also want equal rights from the government so it creates Ltte group
- Tamils wanted a seprate elam (state) .With the time the tension increses leads to civil war in srlianka which kills hundreds
Sorry for grammer mistakes if any
Hope you understand
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