please answer this question

Ans1. minerals are substance that are formed naturally in the earth.
Ans2. Rock or earth from which metal can be taken.
Ans3. there are two types of mining are- surface mining and sub surface mining.
red blue pink orange are the rarest diamond.
Ans5. a natural fuels such as coil or oil.
Ans6. oldest rock are found on the earth
Ans7. for example iron as a steel post in car or farmers of building, copper is used in electrical wiring
Ans9. because it is based on primary methane.
Ans10. biogas is the mixture of gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in absence of oxygen.
Ana11. tidal energy is the hydro power converts the energy obtained ham tides into useful forms off power mainly electricity.
Ans12. advantage advantage of wind energy are more apparent then the disadvantages. the the main advantage include an unlimited, free free renewable resources and economic value .Wind is an unlimited free.
Ans13. crude crude oil and natural gas.
Ans14. example of ferrous minerals are-Mangnesse and magnetite. example of non ferrous minerals are- Cooper and aluminium.
Ans15. the goe thermal plants located in California in the United States.