please answer this question

the possible pollutants wold be global warming and using of ac because it may cause holes in ozone layer and more deforestation the less of oxygen . and more relase of carbon dioxide from vehicles
so the releasing of carbon dioxide can trap heat from the sun . so the heat in the air causes the ice to melt . if the ice ice melts the level of water may increase and we may die . this is called global warming .
according to the world health organization (WHO)
in AC's and refrigerators there is a gas called chloroflourocarbon (CFC's) that cause ozone depletion . so if there are holes in ozone the harmful rays of sun called Ultraviolet rays (UV)rays . 5his rays can cause skin allergys . tanning of skin and many internal problems . such as skin irritation .
the smoke from vehicles can cause lung damage and may effect the brain that may cause forgetfulness and brain cancer for children below age of 12 years .