Please answer this question
1 angry
2 honesty
3 truth
4 youngest
5 wisdom
1. Mob – collective noun; stones – common noun; police – collective noun
2. Honesty – abstract noun; policy – abstract noun
3. Truth – abstract noun
4. Julie – proper noun; sister – common noun
5. Solomon – proper noun; wisdom – abstract noun
6. Birds – common noun; nests – common noun; trees – common noun
Collective Nouns
A collective noun denotes a group of individuals.
Examples: class (group of students), pride (group of lions), crew (group of sailors)
Rule: Collective nouns can be treated as singular or plural. More about this at rules of subject-verb agreement with collective nouns.
His family live in different countries.
Abstract Nouns
Abstract nouns are the opposite of concrete nouns. They are things that you cannot touch. Abstract nouns are ideas, concepts and feelings.
Examples: happiness, courage, danger, truth
He has great strength.
Who killed President Kennedy is a real mystery.
Proper Nouns
Names of people, places or organizations are proper nouns. Your name is a proper noun. London is a proper noun. United Nations is a proper noun.
Rule: Proper nouns always start with a capital letter.
Examples: Jane, Thailand, Sunday, James Bond, Einstein, Superman, Game of Thrones, Shakespeare
Let me introduce you to Mary.
Common Nouns
Most nouns are common nouns. Common nouns refer to people, places and things in general like chair or dog. Any noun that is not a name is a common noun.
Examples: teacher, car, music, danger, receipt
Have you seen my dog?