please answer this question

Answer Of 1 Question
Steps of Construction:
1.Construct a line segment AB=8cm.
2.Now mark the point P on AB such that AP=5mc.
3.Taking P as centre and some suitable radius construct an arc which meets AB in L.
4.Taking L as centre and same radius cut the arc LM.
5.Now bisect the arc LM at the point N.
6. Join PN and produce it to point Q.
Answer Of 2 Question
Step 1: Draw a line segment PQ using ruler
Step 2: Mark any point m on PQ anywhere
Step 3: Draw an angle of 90° at m on PQ u set square and mark other end n
mn perp PQ
Step 4: Measured the angle pmn using protector and found angle pmn=90^
Answer Of 3 Question
steps of construction->
1) Using ruler and pencil we draw a line segment LM.
2)By taking a point P outside of the line segment LM.
3) Using set square we construct a perpendicular PD of LM
Answer Of Question 4
Step I: Draw a line segment AC.
Step II: Take a protractor and place it on the segment AC such that segment AC coincides with the line of diameter of protractor and middle of this line coincides with point A.
Step III: Counting from the right side, mark the point as B at the point of 70° of the protractor and draw AB. (iii) Now, measuring 2 cm from A on AC, mark a point P.
Step IV: With P as centre, draw an arc intersecting line 1 at points E and F.
Step V: Using the same radius and E and F as centres, construct two arcs that intersect at point G on the other side. Join the point P and G.
I hope It will help you
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