please Answer this question if

title- the vet buy guy boas
theme Central idea-the wait is trying to say that to do a better job is not so easy we have to learn we have to get some more knowledge than the other doctors because the every animal has different types of organs so we doesn't know that how every type of animal have the organs we have to learn and we have to get more knowledge to operate them so the vet is trying to say that that was so nice but we have to get some more knowledge and it will be so easy that we will be a doctor of human
figures of speech-simile metaphor personification onomatopoeia alliteration interrogation
favourite lines-my son I advise you most strongly to earn your living and easier way this is my favourite line hope it will helpful
Attack on Titan is OP ...have u watched the whole series till season 4 part 2?...I hv.