please answer this question if Ch Rising above terror and if you know the answer then only answer else reported
h act of kindness translate religion or border answer is the fact is a supporting this statement ok
Answer 1)
The children were adventorous in nature. They loved it being a part of a service officer's family. As they loved to stay in different parts of the country, they were excited about theur father's transfer to Srinigar, knowing that they would get to spend the next two or three years in the 'Paradise of Earth'.
Answer 2)
The mother, after seeing the group of men outside their house, froze for a moment, but soon she gathered strength, picked up her children and ran towards the only link between the ground floor and the first floor, a door which was often locked from the landlord's side. Within minutes, the elderly couple came downstairs and had a word with their mother. The family was then refugees in the attic of the house.
Answer 3
Yes, there could have been a possibility that the couple not helping the author's family, for their own saftey. But, the elderly couple did help, keeping in mind the situation the author's family was in. This shows that acts of kindness, surpass caste, religion, creed, and borders should be the main values any human should adopt.
It was August 2011, when I visited my friend's house. We met for a group study. After two or three hours of study, we went downstairs to breathe in the fresh air. When we returning to the apartment, we saw labor between the doors of the lift and a teenager struggling to open the doors, but the lift was not functioning. On seeing this sight, we immediately called the tower guards, and together we saved him.
After this incident, we learned that people should not make divisions among them on the basis of class, caste, religion, creed, borders, etc.