English, asked by ankitnayak, 7 months ago

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Answered by divyanshsharma17abd


Answer:he following are the main advantages and disadvantages of living in a city that you should consider before moving, even if you have always wanted to live in a major city.

Disadvantages of Living in a City

People who routinely visit or work in a big city know that they can be a hassle. Major cities have more people, traffic, and neighborhoods that can make navigating through the city more difficult. The following are the main disadvantages of big city life:

Cost of Living

The higher cost of living is the first disadvantage that people typically think of when considering moving to a city. Major cities always have a higher cost of living than the surrounding suburbs, and cities like San Francisco and New York routinely have the highest costs of living in the U.S. Normal living expenses such as rent and utilities tend to be higher in big cities and you may have additional living expenses you wouldn’t have in the suburbs such as parking permits and laundry. Food, drinks, tobacco products, and gasoline are also more expensive in major cities.


In general, the noise level in major cities is higher than in the suburbs. Cities have more people and more traffic that contribute to the noise, as well as trains and nearby airports with loud planes flying in and out. Special events such as concerts and ball games can also make a neighborhood louder and more congested. Downtown areas in some major cities like New York are loud and busy almost 24 hours a day. However, it is possible to find city neighborhoods that are almost as quiet as the suburbs. Chicago has plenty of neighborhoods throughout the city that are relatively quiet.

Lack of Space

Moving from the suburbs to the city almost always involves downsizing your living space. Most people in major cities live in apartments and in some cities, the apartments can be very small. It is also rare to have an outside space like a yard or patio. There are homes in major cities, some with decent sized yards, but they are much more expensive than in the suburbs. If you want to move to the city, you must accept that you will be living in an apartment building with neighbors on the other side of your walls.

Lack of Parking

The parking situation in a major city is a huge hassle compared to the suburbs. In the suburbs, people can park in their driveways or on their residential streets and most businesses have parking lots for their customers to use. In big cities, parking is not a guarantee. Some residential streets are permit parking only which means you need to buy a permit, and streets with free parking fill up fast. It is rare for an apartment to have a designated parking space, but there are apartments that do. It is also rare for businesses to have their own parking lots which means that you will most likely have to pay to park somewhere on the street, maybe even a couple blocks away from your destination.

Advantages of Living in a City

Even though city living has its inconveniences, it makes up for these inconveniences with all that is has to offer. Big cities are major cultural centers that have vibrant art and music scenes, a wider variety of food, more places of interest such as museums, events like ball games and concerts, and a diverse population with a shared experience of city living. The following are the main advantages of city life:

Meeting New People

You will meet new people anywhere you move, but the experience is different in a city because major cities draw all kinds of people to them from all over the world. There are also more people in a city which means you will be encountering new faces every day. Meeting and talking to new people who have had very different life experiences than yours can be refreshing and give you a new perspective.


If you have lived in the same town for 10 years or more, chances are that you know the town very well and have done about everything there is to do. If you spend 10 years living in a major city, you likely won’t come close to experiencing everything the city has to offer. There is always something to do in a major city to keep people of all different interests from getting bored. Most cities have a lively nightlife, different types of food to try, shows of all types, museums, landmarks, parks, festivals, sports games, and much more. If you are a visual or performance artist or a musician, there are plenty of opportunities in big cities to become a part of the scene.

Answered by Vanshika4721

Hii I will help you ✌️

=> Living in a city can also affect your sleep quality and cardiovascular health. Not only can city life affect our mental well-being, it can also affect our physical health as well. A 2017 study suggests too much exposure to air pollution and city noise may cause damage to a person's cardiovascular health.

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