English, asked by aarush77, 1 year ago

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Answered by rp8854516

Newspaper is the greatest and the most useful gift received by man with the invention of the printing. A newspaper keeps a man usefully busy. It keeps him in touch with all that is happening in the world. It is much more than that. It is a powerful mass-media and a mighty force. It is the custodian of truth and a sentinel of human rights and liberty. It can be used for good as well as for evil. It is a vehicle of thought. It propagates ideas and philosophies, comments upon them, criticizes governments and peoples and their activities. It is a powerful organ to public opinion. That is why the freedom to the masses.

Newspapers have become a part and parcel of our daily life. A newspaper gives us all kinds of news about our own country and about foreign countries. A reader of newspapers remains in touch with public affairs. The newspaper educates him in many branches of knowledge and provides him with a lot of information. Knowledge is developed by reading a newspaper. One can know about all the new discoveries and inventions. It also tells what their rights are how they can protect them.

Even while sitting in one’s home, one can know what is happening in the world. The newspaper keeps the people in touch with all the different corners of the world. Businessmen advertise their goods in the newspapers to increase the sale of their goods. As the newspapers contains market reports it, helps the merchants in keeping uniform rates of goods in various cities. Newspapers give a lot of information about religious topics, sports, arts and music and record the plus beats of the nation. A regular reader of newspapers can acquire a lot of knowledge about public affairs. The newspaper brings to us the views of great thinkers and philosophers. It moulds and reflects public opinion.

Newspapers not only guide and instruct the public, they also help in educating the masses on all important problems. They broaden their outlook. They act a great social reformers and public eductors. They are the spokesmen of human conscience and mouthpieces of human mind. They carry on a campaign against superstitions, false beliefs and fanaticism. They throw light on the evils of dowry system, child marriage and untouchability. They provide a great help to a country in getting rid of her social evils and moral weaknesses. Newspapers can mislead and misguide public opinion on important matters. They are a very powerful weapon for moulding and directing public opinion. Four critical newspaper, said Napoleon, are more to be feared than a thousand swords. Hitler powerful role of the Press, said “I want to play on the press as on a piano. That is why political parties run their own newspapers.’

With the improvement and advancement in the printing press, newspapers can be read in regional languages also. We can get the news of the world at very cheap rates. Moreover, the newspapers express the view of the government on important matters of public interest. They explain and elucidate the stand of the government on various programmes and policies.

They also express the reactions of the masses. In short, press is a medium of dialogue between the government and the people.

In brief, newspapers are highly useful to the people in general. The day is not far when towns and villages will have their own daily papers.

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