English, asked by wekshitha, 1 year ago

please answer this questions !!!!!!

I will mark it as brainliest!



Answered by Anonymous
1st October 14

We shower at the hotel and collect our bags and return to Revolution cafe for food and wifi. After booking a cheap hostel nearby, we spend the remainder of the day relaxing in the cafe before making our way to the hostel, which we struggle to locate in a backstreet.

2nd October 14

In the morning I chat to a guy while eating breakfast in a cafe. Kyle is from England and he's lived in Kathmandu for the past nine 9 months. He met his current girlfriend on the Internet, who was already living in Kathmandu. He worked with disabled children at home and he has continued this line of work in Nepal. He gives talks at different schools to educate people on the topic of autism. Nepalese living in remote villagers know little about the subject which normally results in ostracising those suffering from the disability, rather than providing them with the help they need. He has heard appalling stories of people kept outside like animals. He volunteers at a disabled school and he tells me that the hardest thing he has had to accept is how they deal with a mentally disabled child suffering from a fit. He tells me they simply lock the child in a room until the child calms down - something that would never be allowed to happen in England, but frustratingly he hasn't been able to change this custom.

Hannah is leaving for Thailand for a week before meeting Val, so I have decided to trek in another region in Nepal. I spend a couple of hours visiting different agencies to discover options and prices. I'd preferably like to join a group, but this does not appear to be possible as most groups are trekking for a longer period than the time I have remaining.

I walk to the Garden of Dreams. It's peaceful here away from the chaotic streets, but there are a lot of people, both tourists and couples lying in the sunshine on the immaculate lawns and walking amongst the walled gardens. The gardens are pretty with colonial buildings in pristine condition surrounding. On my way back to the hostel I am caught in a downpour and I hide inside the nearest cafe drinking a coke.

This evening we have dinner with Daniel (a German guy from the hostel) and his friend Juergen. They met in the army but left recently after a number of monetary cuts were made. Daniel was provided with money to use to study so he has just spent the last 5 months learning Spanish in Spain and he is now embarking on a travelling adventure around Asia.

Juergen is his guide for the coming base camp trip. He has been trekking in Nepal every year for the past 10 years. His wife usually joins him for some of his time here. He is a photographer, who works for a number of big brands. His English is not as fluent as Daniel's but he has one particularly interesting story which he would like to share and asks Daniel to translate. Daniel listens nodding his head to Juergen's monologue, but when it comes to translate he has already forgotten the beginning. It's a complicated story so although Daniel’s English is good, he is struggling as there is a lot of information to recall and then relay. He's a pretty funny character anyway, so the whole situation soon becomes comedic as he manically tries to keep up and translate. As the story becomes more convoluted and entangled he doesn't notice that Juergen has switched to speaking English and repeats the same words to us in his confusion. The three of us are in stitches now, but Juergen is quite a serious character and he would like to finish his story.

This is the story as I understood it: Juergen has befriended Sadhus in the time he has spent in Nepal and they have allowed him to photograph them. In this particular instance, a Sadhu approached him, beckoning Juergen to follow him. They entered the Saddhus' sleeping quarters, which was either a small cave or possibly some kind of sewage works or underground passageways in Kathmandu. On the floor was a large concrete slab with a rope attached to it, which he asked Juergen to try to lift. Juergen tells us that it was impossibly heavy and he was unable to shift its weight. The Saddhu then removed all his clothing, much to Juergen's confusion, and in a squatting position, attached the rope to his penis. After which he preceded to stand and lift the entire concrete block off the floor. And Juergen has been allowed to capture this insane moment on film!

We all order the same dish on Juergen's recommendation - chili paneer and garlic naan. It's delicious. And a call his come on my phone thats a urgent work for my house so we were decided to go and then we ready to go and return to home its was a best day for me
Md verma

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