please answer tis question

a.) Yeast is a unicellular fungi which respire through anaerobic process. During the cellular respiration yeast releases carbon dioxide which helps the dough of batter ferment and rise in quantity.
b.) After eating food some food particles got stuck between our teeth. These food particles when left undisturbed (especially when one is sleeping) slowly allows the formation of germs. These germs can cause many jaw related issues. Hence its important to brush our teeth before going to bed.
c.) Salt has a sharp taste. It is required in a limited quantity in food. Salt when excessively added to pickle can increase sour taste and if reduced the quantity can allow the formation of fungus which would disturbe the aroma of food.
e.) Food once kept in a refrigerator gets immensely cold. If the food is repeatedly taken out from the fridge, the temperature of food gets imbalanced. This imbalance will not only spoil the taste but also result in early rottening of food.
hope this helps you learner