English, asked by YCN, 10 months ago

please! any one give my Answer is there anyone in brainly that can give this whole answer please and Don't give useless Answer please it's very urgent brainy help us to solve our all problem so please solve this please please solve this problem please and give the answer in copy and send to me
please please don't send useless chat or answer or if someone could not able to answer it I am uninstall it so please proof that brainly is a very good app please I request you ​I am giving my all the points if there is a good user he will answer my all questions ok when I have installed the app I ask only two questions but know one can answer them whole which is very bad for the app so I have humble request to to all the questions and send to me I cannot chat and answer Ur question what u ask so



Answered by achugadia


This que says that choose any two activities what you like and how this activity helps you

so choose your favourite

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