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1) small intestine
5)small intestine
6)large intestine
(i) small intestine
(ii) buccal cavity.
(iii) Stomach
(iv) small intestine.
(v) large intestine.
(i) absorption of food – small intestine.
Small Intestine –It is a thin and long tube-like structure measuring about 9 to 10 feet long and also the part of the lower gastrointestinal tract. The small intestine is located just behind the stomach, which is found completely coiled and consists of folds and ridges.
(ii) chewing of food – buccal cavity.
The alimentary canal is the long tube through which the food that we eat is passed. It begins at the mouth also referred to as buccal or oral cavity, passes through the pharynx, oesophagus or food pipe, stomach, small intestines, large intestines, rectum and finally ends at the anus.
(iii) killing of bacteria – stomach
It serves as a muscular bag which is situated towards the left side of the abdominal cavity, beneath the diaphragm. This vital organ acts as a storage for the food and provides enough time to digest meals. The stomach also produces digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid that maintains the process of digestion and kills the bacteria.
(iv) complete digestion of food – small intestine.
The partially digested food is absorbed by the duodenum of the small intestine along with the digestive juices from the liver, pancreas and its own walls. The liver secretes the bile juice, which converts fat into tiny droplets so that their digestion becomes easy. The pancreas produces pancreatic juice that breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. The intestinal juice secreted by the walls of the small intestine breaks down starch and carbohydrates into simple sugars. These sugars are known as glucose. It also converts the proteins into amino acids. All these simple, broken down forms are called the digested food.
(v) formation of faeces – large intestine.
This is a thick, long tube measuring around 5 feet in length. It is present just beneath the stomach and wraps over the superior and lateral edges of the small intestine. It absorbs water and consists of bacteria (symbiotic) that support the breakdown of wastes to fetch small nutrients.