English, asked by majajajoo2820, 1 year ago

Please can you give an essay on IMPORTENCE OF GIRLS EDUCATION ? i need it urgently


Answered by preetis
Education is very important for every child whether boy or girl. It is sad that some communities still discriminate against the education of the girl child. About 57million children around the world are not going to school. The report, Children Still Battling to go to School, finds that 95% of the 28.5 million children not getting a primary school education live in low and lower-middle income countries – 44% in sub-Saharan Africa, 19% in south and west Asia and 14% in the Arab states, UNESCO said. Girls make up 55% of the total and were often the victims of rape and other sexual violence that accompanies armed conflicts, UNESCO said. As the world celebrates Malala’s birthday let us look at some of the reasons why girls should get an education.
1.FUTURE EDUCATED GENERATIONS – An African proverb says, “If we educate a boy, we educate one person. If we educate a girl, we educate a family – and a whole nation.” By sending a girl to school, she is far more likely to ensure that her children also receive an education. As many claim, investing in a girl’s education is investing in a nation.

2.DECREASE INFANT MORTALITY: Children of educated women are less likely to die before their first birthday. Girls who receive an education are less likely to contact HIV & AIDS, and thus, less likely to pass it onto their children. Primary education alone helps reduce infant mortality significantly, and secondary education helps even more. The Girls Global Education Fund reports that when a child is born to a woman in Africa who hasn't received an education, he or she has a 1 in 5 chance of dying before 5.

3.DECREASE MATERNAL MORTALITY: Educated women (with greater knowledge of health care and fewer pregnancies) are less likely to die during pregnancy, childbirth, or during the postpartum period. Increased education of girls also leads to more female health care providers to assist with prenatal medical care, labor and delivery, delivery complications and emergencies, and follow-up care.

preetis: if u think it is correct answer so please mark me as brainliest.
Answered by duragpalsingh

Education for every human being is the most essential component. Without education, man is placed into the category of animal. Girls' education in our country is very important. Even today also in our country the difference is there boys and girls according to some people. In rural areas, the situation of girls is not good. People are not familiar with the importance of Girl’s education. They think that boys or men is everything as they go for doing for job but girls only stay at home. This is the wrong thinking for women.

Now Time is rapidly changing. Girls also getting education equally to boys. Government is launching different campaigns to make a improving in girl’s education. Girls are getting knowledge for free in different government schools.  Government is influencing the importance of girl’s education.  Government is doing welfare for girl child.

All these are the result of two decades ago, and today we compare the situation of the girl child according to today’s time. Education empowers a grown up girl to become economically independent. They will be able to stand up for their rights. Girls have all the rights to get educated. Empowerment of girls and women is necessary to fight against the problem of gender-inequality.

Education of rural girls is equally important. Society is rapidly changing. Today women are considered equal to men. Girls' education in the country is moving towards progress. So girls education is so important.

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