Please describe your writing and communication skills, indicating particular strengths or weaknesses (100 words or less):
My Writing Style
One’s writing style is as unique as one’s voice or finger-prints. Though everyone can write, but very few people have clear and impressive writing style. My writing style is quite good. I really had to work very hard to develop it. I had to read many books, learn and improve my grammar, develop my diction and vocabulary range. Finally, I had to work on my sentence structures.
In order to write lucidly, one has to work on one’s thoughts and ideas. My writing style is quite simple and appealing. I use simple structures and easy-to-understand words. I particularly pay attention to using punctuation marks appropriately to enhance the clarity of my style.
Every single creature is unique in this world and so are their communications methods and styles.
We humans also have different methods of of communication like verbal, non-verbal and written communication.
As far as my writing style is concerned it is also very special to me as to develop this style.
I have really worked very hard.
Use of proper words is one of my strengths and sometimes being not outspoken is one of my weakness.