please don't give incorrect answer

1)Cation is A since it has less number of electrons than protons.
2)Isobars are B and C
3) Isotopes are C and D
4) Clorine(Cl)
Isotopes :-The atoms which posses same atomic number (the atoms same element) but different mass number are called Isotopes.
Isobars:-The atoms which posses different atomic number with same mass number are called Isobars
1. A is a cation
2. B and C are isobars
3. A, C and D are isotopes
4. Cl
1. Cations are +vely charged ions. This means that the no. of protons is greater than the no. of electrons. That's only in the case of A. Hence, A is a cation.
2. Isobars are the group/pair of elements which have different atomic number (different no. of protons) but same atomic mass (sum of protons and neutrons).
3. Isotopes are the elements having same atomic number (no. of protons) but different atomic masses (sum of protons and neutrons).
4. Atomic no. 17 is that of Chlorine. Hence, these are the isotopes of Chlorine.