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The device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is termed as Electric Generator.
Mechanical energy is used here to rotate current carrying coul in a magnetic field around the axle & thereby produces electricity.
Charles F. Brush was the first person to invent Electric Generator.
Electric Generator works on the principle of Electromagnetic Induction which is invented by Michael Faraday.
Coil of an electric generator rotates in magnetic field, a current is induced in the coil.
This induced current flows in the circuit connected to the coil.
Figure provided in attachment shows construction of an Electric Generator. Here, a coil ABCD of copper wire is kept between the two poles of magnet.
Ends of coil are connected to conducting rings &
through carbon brushes.
Rings are fixed to axle & there is resistive coating in between rings & axles. Galvanometer used here is to show the direction of current in circuit.
When axle is rotated, coil ABCD starts rotating. According to Fleming's right hand rule, the induced current flows in direction A B
D in external circuit.
Induced current is proportional to no. of turns of copper wire in coil. After half rotation, AB & CD interchange their places. Hence, induced current flows in direction of D
Thus, direction of current is external circuit opposite to that in previous half rotation. The process goes on repeating & alternating current is generated.

Electric Generator
- The device which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy is termed as Electric Generator.
- Mechanical energy is used here to rotate current carrying coul in a magnetic field around the axle & thereby produces electricity.
- Charles F. Brush was the first person to invent Electric Generator.
- Electric Generator works on the principle of Electromagnetic Induction which is invented by Michael Faraday.
- Coil of an electric generator rotates in magnetic field, a current is induced in the coil.
- This induced current flows in the circuit connected to the coil.
- construction of an Electric Generator. Here, a coil ABCD of copper wire is kept between the two poles of magnet.
- Rings are fixed to axle & there is resistive coating in between rings & axles. Galvanometer used here is to show the direction of current in circuit.
- When axle is rotated, coil ABCD starts rotating. According to Fleming's right hand rule, the induced current flows in direction A ⟶ B ⟶ C ⟶ D in external circuit.
- Induced current is proportional to no. of turns of copper wire in coil. After half rotation, AB & CD interchange their places. Hence, induced current flows in direction of D ⟶ C ⟶ B ⟶ A.
- Thus, direction of current is external circuit opposite to that in previous half rotation. The process goes on repeating & alternating current is generated.