English, asked by mirahmedali838, 10 months ago

Please exaplain me figures of speech


Answered by DonaSharmahidanz

Hey mate ,

Here is your answer

First of all : What is figure of speech ??

It is a word or phrase used in a non - literal sense for rhetorical or vivid effect .

Some examples of figure of speech include the simile , metaphor , personification , hyperbole , alliteration , etc . However , this are some of the figure of speech .

Explanation :-

1) Simile - It is use as  a method of comparison .

Eg :- As brave as a lion .

2) Metaphor - A thing regarded as representative or symbolic of something else .

Eg :- The world is a stage .

3) Personification - A figure intended to represent an abstract quality .

Eg :- The wind howled in the night .

4) Hyperbole - Exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally .

Eg :- Your skin is softer than silk .

5) Alliteration - The occurence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words .

Eg :- Sweet birds sang .

Hope it helps.

Have a good day...........................!

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