Please explain in detail the above image
detailed explanation needed..

either see mine or sanish's explanation below and you can refer to the book too .
-) The law of reciprocal proportions was proposed by Jeremias Ritcher in 1792. It states that, "If two different elements combine separately with the same weight of a third element, the ratio of the masses in which they do so are either the same or a simple multiple of the mass ratio in which they combine."
- The ratio are calculated by their mass number .
Here it is the of H20 , H2S and SO2, you can try the SO3 one by yourself to check if you have understood
eg H2O -) There are 2 hydrogen and its mass number 1 .
and oxygen its mass number ratio of masses of H20-) 2:16 .same way you
can think about the others.
- Whole number multiple - i.e the multiple of 2 is 4,6,8 .
- if you look at the ratio its like that only 1/8:1:16
- (16 is the multiple of 8)
- In the next line it is telling - when a fixed mass of O2 is taken and the ratio of the masses of H2O and H2S is done i.e 1:8 and 1:16 we see that they are found to be in a simple ratio . ie 2:1.
So we understand from here that if we take fixed mass ratio of two substances which are related they will always give the result or the final ratio (will be in a whole number multiple) might be 2:1, 1:2 etc..
I have attached the same example and one more from a different book you can check it, its more understandable . rest assured read it you will understand .
edit-( courtesy to sanish for explaining below -)
When two different elements combine separately with a fixed mass of a third element, the ratio in which they do they so will be the same or some simple multiple of the ratio in which they combine with each other.
In other words the mass ratio of 2 elements A and B which combine with the fixed mass of C separately, is either the same or some simple whole number multiple of the mass ratio in which A and B combined together. This law may be illustrated by the following examples :-
Consider three elements Sulphur, Oxygen and Hydrogen. Both Sulphur and oxygen separately combine to form hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and water(H2O) respectively. They also combine with each other to form and sulphur dioxide (SO2) as shown :
According to the law, the ratio of weights of S and O which combine with same weight of H will either be same or simple multiple of the ratio in which S and O combine with each other. This may be verified as :-
In hydrogen sulphide(H2S), 2 parts by weight of hydrogen combine with 32 parts by weight of sulphur. (Continued in Picture Further).
( Please Refer to Picture for Continued Example).