Biology, asked by sameer4155, 9 months ago

Please explain me pedigree analysis


Answered by devanayan2005

Pedigree analysis describes the process of interpretation of information displayed as a family tree. The family tree or pedigree is constructed using a standardized set of symbols and will include information about the disease status of each individual. If only a single individual is affected within the family then the pedigree cannot in itself provide proof for a particular mode of inheritance and cannot distinguish inherited from noninherited conditions. When more than one individual is affected then the pattern may provide important clues or even proof of the mode of inheritance. There are four main patterns of inheritance that may be seen in a pedigree.

Hope helps...

Answered by fanbruhh


▶ pedigree analysis is the study of transmission of particular traits over the generations for finding out the possibility of their occurrence in the future generation...


☀ it is used to know the possibility of expressive or recessive allele which may cause genetic disorder

☀ it shows the origin of trait and inheritance pattern of that trait in a family

☀ it predict the harmful effect of marriage between close relatives

☀ it extenously used in medical research ..

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