Physics, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

please explain the chapter ELECTRICITY of 10th class :) i will surely mark the person as brainliest who helps me.. and get 25 points for it but remember to explain full of it easily..

vishagh: Explaining the whole chapter?? Sorry thts difficult
Anonymous: main notes kinda stuff?


Answered by AkashMandal

Electricity is a source of energy that has made our life comfortable & easy. we depend on electricity for almost all activities in our day to day life. Electricity is used to glow bulbs , heat the electric iron,to heat water, operate refrigerator, to run electric trains, to run computers, to operate projectors in Cinema halls, to run motors and machines in factories and so on. there is hardly any field where electricity is not needed. there is a huge demand of electricity.


electric charge is a physical property of a matter or substance which causes it to experience a force when placed near other matter or substance.

types of electric charges:-
position charge and negative charge.

properties of electric charge:-
a) like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract each other
b) electric charge is conserved
c) electric charge is quantized.
SI unit of electric charge is coulomb (C).


an electric current is defined as the amount of charge flowing me hrough any cross section of a conductor in unit time.
SI unit of electric current is ampere (A). Ampere is the flow of electric charges through a surface at the rate of one coulomb per second.

This means if 1 coulomb of electric charge flows through a cross section for 1 second, it would be equal to 1 ampere.

Therefore; 1 A = 1 C/1 s

Ammeter: An apparatus to measure electric current in a circuit.


Ohm’s Law states that the potential difference between two points is directly proportional to the electric current.

This means; potential difference V varies as electric current.
SI Unit of resistance is ohm. Ohm is denoted by Greek letter ‘Ω’.

1 ohm (Ω) of Resistance (R) is equal to the flow of 1 A of current through a conductor between two points having potential difference equal to 1 V.

Resistance is a property of conductor due to which it resists the flow of electric current through it. Component that is used to resist the flow of electric current in a circuit is called resistor.

In practical applications, resistors are used to increase or decrease the electric current.

Variable Resistance: The component of an electric circuit which is used to regulate the current; without changing the voltage from the source; is called variable resistance.

Rheostat: This is a device which is used in a circuit to provide variable resistance.

Cause of Resistance in a Conductor:

• Nature of material
• Length of conductor
• The SI unit of resistivity

Resistors are joined in two ways, i.e. in series and in parallel.

(Resistors in Series): When resistors are joined from end to end, it is called in series. In this case, the total resistance of the system is equal to the sum of the resistance of all the resistors in the system.

Let total resistance = R

Resistance of resistors are R1, R2, R3, … Rn

Therefore, R = R1 + R2 + R3 + …………+ Rn

(Resistors in parallel​)

When resistors are joined in parallel, the reciprocal of total resistance of the system is equal to the sum of reciprocal of the resistance of resistors.
Let total resistance = R

Resistance of resistors are R1, R2, R3, … Rn


When electric current is supplied to a purely resistive conductor, the energy of electric current is dissipated entirely in the form of heat and as a result, resistor gets heated. The heating of resistor because of dissipation of electrical energy is commonly known as Heating Effect of Electric Current. Some examples are as follows:

When electric energy is supplied to an electric bulb, the filament gets heated because of which it gives light. The heating of electric bulb happens because of heating effect of electric current.

When an electric iron is connected to an electric circuit, the element of electric iron gets heated because of dissipation of electric energy, which heats the electric iron. The element of electric iron is a purely resistive conductor. This happens because of heating effect of electric current.

AkashMandal: u can add more but it is enough......
Anonymous: wonderful! thanks
AkashMandal: i have incuded main points in this ans
AkashMandal: mark BRAINLIEST
Anonymous: ok i will
Anonymous: thanks anyways
Anonymous: The answer is great
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