please explain the family like solanece, lilaece and leguminasce
Family Characteristics of Gynoecium
Fabaceae Monocarpellary, ovary unilocular, marginal placentation
Solanaceae Bicarpellary syncarpous, carpels placed obliquely, bilocular, axile placentation
Liliaceae Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, axile placentation
b. The economic importance of Fabacae.
i. They act as sources of protein. (pulses - gram, arhar)
ii. They used for the production of edible oil like that of soyabean, groundnut etc.
iii. Used for the production of dye (Indigofera)
iv. They provide fibres like the plant sunhemp)
v. They provide fodder (Sesbania, Trifolium)
vi. They are grown as ornamental plants (lupin)
vii. They produce medicine.
Solanaceae Family
Solanaceae family is also known as the potato family. Around 2000 species of dicotyledonous plants belong to this family. Its important characteristics are mentioned below.
Vegetative Characters
Root System: Taproot system.
Stem: Erect or climber; Solanaceae includes herbs, shrubs, small trees, and climbers.
Leaves: Alternate, simple or pinnately compound (rarely); exstipulate; reticulate venation
a large family of trees, shrubs, vines, and herbs bearing bean pods
Divided for convenience into the subfamilies Caesalpiniaceae
hypernym: rosid dicot family - a family of dicotyledonous plants
member holonym:
legume, leguminous plant - an erect or climbing bean or pea plant of the family Leguminosae
arachis, genus arachis - a genus of plants with pods that ripen underground (see peanut)
brya, genus brya - genus of prickly shrubs and small trees of the Caribbean region; source of a durable hardwood
Liliaceae is the family of around 2500 species of perennial, herbaceous monocots. It is also known as the ‘lily family’Vegetative Characters
Root: Fibrous root system.
Stem: Erect; Liliaceae includes perennial herbs which propagate through bulbs or rhizomes.
Leaves: Alternate, simple; exstipulate; parallel venation
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