English, asked by adullahchoudhury, 1 year ago

Please give a 500-word essay on discipline.


Answered by rajeev8225

Discipline is the training of the mind in order to make it accept the rules and orders of a higher authority. It is a lesson that we can learn from the way the universe runs. Nature herself presents before us this valuable lesson.

All the heavenly bodies follow definite rules in moving around. The seasons come and go in definite patterns. A slight shift or indiscipline will cause confusions in this well- planned natural system. Similarly, discipline in our individual lives is the top most requirement of our society.

pls mark me down as brainiest answer!!!!!!

Answered by Anonymous


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<font color="brightpink">Discipline is a foundation for understanding consequences, making behavioral decisions, and establishing lasting personality traits.The disciple is a staircase by which the person achieve success. It helps a person to focus on his/her goals in life. Also, it does not let him/her derivate from the goal.Without discipline, the life of a person will become dull and inactive. Also, a disciplined person can control and handle the situation of living in a sophisticated way than those who do not. Self discipline helps you to focus on your goals.It helps you stick to the work you want to get it done in order to achieve success. They are always looking forward towards their goals and achievements in life. This helps them achieve great level of success in their lives.the discipline has a great value for the future career of students in their lives. A disciplined student understands the importance of time management and future planning.


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