please give a introduction of*Comprehensive Study on the Quality of Work life of Bank Employees working in different Sector in rural area?
Quality of work life is elucidated as employee fulfilment with a variety of needs through amenities, activities and outcomes while discharging their duty in the work place. This definition appears to be integrated as it clubs many aspects of other domains such as family life, social life and financial life. Quality of work life is the contented relationship between employees and their total working environment. Moreover it deals explicitly with subjective wellbeing. In connection with this concept, employees’ perception of safety and suitability; with regard to psychological and physical work environment varies. Therefore, there are different perceptions for analysing the Quality of work life. Quality of work life is essential to banking business results as it aims at two objectives: (i) to intensify level of productivity and (ii) to improve the level of satisfaction among the employees. The present study is an attempt on to assess the Quality of work life and job satisfaction among the private sector bank employees. It analyses different factors like working conditions, career growth, etc.,