Biology, asked by helper240, 1 year ago

please give all answers in this worksheet and I will mark you as brainleist and I will give my full. please I am in emergency​



Answered by rincy2722

1) Genes are set of instructions that determine what the organism is like, it appearence, how it survives, how it behaves in its environment. They are made of a substance called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

2) (write tabular)•Cell wall is made of cellulolse, membrane is of lipids and proteins.

•wall is thick and rigid, membrane is thin

•wall is presen both in plants and animals, membrane only in plants

• wall is non -living, membrane is living.

3) osmosis and diffusion

4) osmoregulation allows organisms ro maintain a blance between water and mineral despite changes in external environment.

5)promo- primitive, plasm- jelly-like substance. All part inside cell is known as promoplasm. (promoplasm- nucleus= cytoplasm know the difference). Termed by Sir Hygo Von Mohl.

6) hypertonic- high solute concentration less water concentration than in cell

hypotonic- less solute concentratiom and more water than present in cell.

7) •Protects the cell from its surrounding.

•regulates movement of substances in and out of the membrane.

•selectively permeable.

8) it means particular function is carried out by a group of cells at definite place in the body. So different functions are performed by different group of cell.

9) Nucleoid is an irregularly shaped which contains all or most of the genetic material. In eukaryotic cell it is not bouded by nuclear membrane.

10) diffusion- movement of any chemical from higher to lower concentration

osmosis- exclusively for the movement of water only from higher to lower

11) a: cell loses water

b: cell gains water

c: no movement of water.

12) adding salt makes the conxentration of salt higher outside the membrane reducing the concentratio of water. Forms hypertoninc solution. Vegetables lose water

13) plant cells are larger, animals' smaller

plant- rectangular, animal- irregular

plant- nucleus is present on one side

animal- nucleus is present in the centre

plants have larger vacuoles, animals have smaller

presence of chloroplasts in plants and their absence in animals'

14)Cell theory:

• all organisms are made of one or more cells

• cell is smallest unit of life

• new cells arise from pre-existing cells

16) functions of cell wall: major function is to give strength and structure to the cell.

It is protective

It is semi-permeable

17) plasmolysis is the process in whoch cell loses water in hypertonic solution

18 question has a lot of explanation so I'm skipping it..

19) DNA determines the composition of the organism

20) primary function is to protect the cell.

It is selectively permeable.

Regulates movement of substances in and out the cell

Topper6099: I am 9th
Topper6099: I am help240
Topper6099: helper240
rincy2722: I am in 11th...
Topper6099: oh
rincy2722: how many accounts do you have >_
Topper6099: 3 .
rincy2722: My guess about your class was right yay!! it brought back memoried
Topper6099: wait
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