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Is it Geography....
India's unemployment rate rose to 7.5 per cent during September-December 2019, according to data released by think-tank Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE) on Monday. The unemployment rate was even worse in case of educated youth which rose over 60 per cent, indicating that 2019 was the worst year for these young graduates.
"This was the seventh consecutive wave to record an increase in the unemployment rate since May-August 2017 when the unemployment rate was 3.8 per cent," says CMIE report.
As per CMIE survey, which was conducted on a sample of 1,74,405 households, the unemployment rate in rural India was lower than urban India, which scaled up to 9 per cent. The urban unemployment numbers were higher than the national average, reflecting a decline in economic activity in the country.
In rural India, the unemployment rate stood at 6.8 per cent over a period of four months from September to December 2019. It is notable that rural India accounts for the lion's share of 66 per cent of the overall estimate of India's unemployment rate.
"Rural India has a low unemployment rate and this has a big impact on lowering India's overall unemployment rate. But, rural employment is of poor quality," CMIE report said.
The report highlighted that the unemployment rate in the urban youth, especially educated one, was very high. "While youngsters in the age group of 20-24 years reported an unemployment rate of 37 per cent, graduates among them reported a much higher unemployment rate of over 60 per cent. The average unemployment rate for them during 2019 was 63.4 per cent."