Social Sciences, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

please give correct answers ​



Answered by twisha2008
1. The most notable demand of women during the French revolution was the "right to vote" and equal wages. In order to discuss and raise voice for their demands, they started many "political clubs" and "newspapers", among which “the society of revolutionary” and “Republican women were famous.”

2. Slavery was first abolished by the French Republic in 1794, but Napoleon I revoked that decree in 1802. In 1815, the Republic abolished the slave trade but the decree did not come into effect until 1826. France re-abolished slavery in her colonies in 1848 with a general and unconditional emancipation

3. Evolution Examples in Nature. Peppered moth - This moth had a light coloring darkened after the Industrial Revolution, due to the pollution of the time. This mutation came about because the light colored moths were seen by birds more readily, so with natural selection, the dark colored moths survived to reproduce.
Answered by gopalsharma70313

Historians since the late 20th century have debated how women not shared in the French Revolution and what short-term impact it had on French women. Women had no political rights in pre-Revolutionary France; they were considered "passive" citizens, forced to rely on men to determine what was best for them. That changed dramatically in theory as there seemingly were great advances in feminism. Feminism emerged in Paris as part of a broad demand for social and political reform

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