English, asked by shushchheda04, 9 months ago

Please give me a script of morning school assembly for class 10 on the theme politeness

The assembly should include introduction, compering for prayer, prayer song, birthday song, thought for the day, news, significance school anthem, national anthem and ending. The assembly should be in english

No spams will be entertained........ thank u


Answered by rockyBhaiya


Good morning respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends. Let us start our day by bowing before the Holy one and asking for His blessings to keep us young, healthy and prosperous. By saying this, let us start our prayer.


Our Father, Who is in heaven,

Holy is Your Name;

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our sins,

as we forgive those who sin against us;

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil. Amen.

National Anthem

Jana-gana-mana-adhinayaka jaya he






Tava shubha name jage, tava shubha asisa mage,

gahe tava jaya-gatha.

Jana-gana-mangala-dayaka jaya he


Jaya he, Jaya he, Jaya he,

jaya jaya jaya, jaya he.

Birthday song -

Since, our prayer and national anthem is over, let us offer a small token of appreciation for the students, teachers and renowned people who have their birthdays on this special day. As a token of love and respect, let us sing a Happy Birthday song for them.

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday Dear (name)

Happy Birthday to You.

From good friends and true,

From old friends and new,

May good luck go with you,

And happiness too.

Main topic:

Okay, now that we have done all our song and prayer, let us move to our final part which is a short speech on the topic politeness. So,Today, I am standing before you to deliver a short speech on my selected topic - Politeness.

Politeness is a great virtue. A person who behaves politely towards others is not only respected but loved also. People speak well of him/her on all occasions. Politeness towards others means that we are civilised and cultured. A rude person can never be called cultured. He always gives offence to others with his bad manners. But a polite person will always please others by his polite behaviour and good manners.

Politeness :

Politeness means consideration for feelings of others. A polite man always puts the feelings of others first. He will not say things that will hurt them; he will never speak in a rude way that will offend them.

Politeness has been called the ‘oil of the social machine’. In a society, we can’t do without politeness. If we are not polite to others, why should others be polite to us?

Politeness cost nothing, but buys everything’. A kind word does not cost anything, yet the world is full of people who will always try to behave in a way that will offend you.

Lastly, Politeness is a duty which will we owe to ourselves as well as to our neighbours. A person who is polite to others shows that he/she is cultured. A really polite person is equally polite superiors, equals and juniors. And by saying that one does not lose anything by being polite to others, I would like to conclude my speech.

Thank You.

Have a great day ahead. :)

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