please give me ans what is the voice of the animal
a) bats - screech, squeak
b) chicks - cheeping
c) donkey - Shrek
d) goats - bleat, maa
Answer: Bats: screech
ans: Bats emit a chattering sound when flying that is similar to a cricket's chirp. These nocturnal creatures awaken from their daytime slumber around dusk to fly outside in search of insects.
chicks : chirping
ans: Along with their excessive chirping, they may show some obvious behaviors hinting discomfort of heat or cold. If they group near the heat source, and chirp loudly, they are possibly too cold. The happiest chicks are well-distributed despite the heat source and will chirp cheerfully.
donkey : Bray
ans: Donkeys make a loud sound developed in order to maintain contact with other donkeys over wide spaces in the desert. This is called a bray. . A donkey will bray as a warning when it sees predators, such as wolves, coyotes or wild dogs.
goats : bleat
ans: Goats bleat to communicate. They may vocalise when they are hungry, hurt or signalling danger to their herd. Mother goats may also call to their young kids when they get separated. Like humans, goat vocal behaviours can change over time.