Please give me answer
an 1: there are only two important rules to enter a function-
(i) the function should begin with = sign
(ii) the functions should be written according to cell reference otherwise it will show error.
an2: cell reference is the cell address on the virtue of which a formula is written.
it is of three types- absolute, relative and mixed
an3: Relative cell reference is the original cell address of a cell. for example- C5, D5 etc. if you copy a formula, then it will autoatically change according to cell address.
Absolute cell reference is used in order to not to change the cell address while copying a formula. dollar sign is used to make this happen. example- A$5, D$3
an;4: no range name are not case sensitive.
an5: Formula or function in excel is a mathematical operated function used to perform various calculations and realtime work based on mathematics. example- in excel there is a formula named sum used as following-
= A5+D7
note: following portion is just for knowledge not a part of the answer
it can be performed infinitely with the cell address you want to calculate.